I specialize in teaching people to take care of their own pain and physical issues. My intent is to help people try to avoid medications and surgeries. After working in a skilled nursing facility (SNF) or nursing home, I can tell you why I want to die in my own home when it is my time and do not want to have to live in a SNF.
My favorite technique to use is called Releasing Joint Restrictions (RJR) technique which is a home version of Strain and Counter Strain (SCS) technique developed by Lawrence Jones, D.O. Doctors of osteopathy or D.O.s specialize in treatments to move the skeleton back into place once it is out of place. They can also give medications and do surgery, but the best ones are those that act as a combination doctor/chiropractor. If you find a good osteopath, hang on for dear life, in my humble opinion. RJR technique is a highly specialized stretching protocol that helps improve the alignment of the skeleton which then reduces pain. The really nice thing about this protocol is that the results are immediate. Literally within 2 minutes, you can typically tell a difference. I have outlined how to do this technique under the heading "Alignment to reduce pain". I have presented an easy version of this simple stretching for 90 seconds and have also instructed in the more complex, more effective clinical treatment using this same stretching protocol. The more complex version utilizes greater precision by using a specific tender point to guide the stretching position. The nice thing about the tender point is that if it is not present, you do not have to do that stretch.
I have become a swelling specialist and have studied in Germany with world-renowned swelling specialists, Michael and Ethyl Foeldi. I have taught continuing education courses across the country and have been an adjunct faculty at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington where I have worked to put the information I learned in the treatment of cancer patients with lymphedema into sports and other orthopedic injuries. I think every medical practitioner should know this information. Learning to treat your own swelling problems can be rewarding in being able to reduce and control symptoms associated with swelling, such as numbness, tingling, burning, and aching pain. I have listed this information under the heading of Swelling.
Physical therapy would not be complete without information on strengthening, conditioning, and balance work. Those things are listed under the strength & balance heading.
Under the information tab, I would like to introduce some concepts that are
important but don't have another place to fit. Those topics include:
Using the scientific method and changing one variable at a time.
Using a pre-test and a post-test to determine changes that are caused by specific variables.
Overuse injuries, how they are caused, and how they are resolved
Healing hints to learn specific actions the body takes to heal itself and how to make sure you do not get in the way of those actions.