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MPT, DPT, Földi-CLT, Physical Therapist​

Doctor Lovejoy-Evans, MPT, DPT, Földi-CLT, physical therapist, presents self-help strategies to reduce pain and improve function to help avoid medication, surgery, and the need to live in a nursing home.


Stephen C.

Over the past several years, I have been experiencing progressively worse pain throughout various areas in my body. One of the more recent, but persistent pains I have been experiencing has been occurring in my upper back and neck. Sometimes this pain has gradually worked itself out, seemingly aided by stretches I had simply explored myself; however, at one point the effectiveness of these stretches seemed to reduce as subsequent pain occurrences increased in duration--at the point that Dr. Lovejoy-Evans (who happens to be my aunt) stepped in to help me, I had been dealing with one, in particular, for about one month.

Dr. Lovejoy-Evans graciously took the time to coach me--over the phone--through a few exercises that began helping alleviate my pain in only a few minutes. She also took time to explain how strengthening my pelvic floor can help to maintain proper alignment and prevent these kinds of pain that can stem from poor posture.

Lucy P. Dickinson

Loraine Lovejoy-Evans is a masterful practitioner of physical therapy, sharing her wisdom and knowledge from many years of successful practice.  I am so grateful she generously shared her talents with me when I needed them—after a 10-inch snowfall when I needed access to the main road, I cleared the 350 ft driveway by myself. After this unusual feat, my back, neck, and shoulders started reacting with spasms and pain. Loraine assisted me over the phone to address the cause of concern, calmly guiding me through exercises that not only took the pain from an 8 out of 10 to a 1 out of 10 in less than an hour but also gave me incredible tools for my self-care toolbox going forward.  She also shared information with me through her website to help me strengthen and maintain a healthy strong core that will help me avoid such overuse issues in the future.  (Plus, I’ll get help plowing my driveway next time, haha.) I’m grateful for Loraine’s mastery and for her generosity in sharing. I can’t wait for her book and have already pre-sold another copy by sharing my experience with a friend. Loraine is the real deal. 

Lucy P. Dickinson
Muspoetographer: Music, Poetry, &

Photography Artist

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No Nursing Home For Me

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